
Parent Visits Are Important to the Youth’s Success.

Support and visitation by family members are very important to your child’s well-being. Your visits can motivate and inspire them to participate in programming and meet the goals of their treatment plan, which may result in an earlier release date. You can make a difference for your child. Your visits show that you care and that they have not been forgotten. While visiting, you will be able to meet with staff to discuss your child.

Your child may have approved visitors at times determined by the facility. They will create a visitor list with help from their case manager or counselor, and you will be able to review it. To ensure safety at visitation, background checks are conducted on visitors before they are allowed on the grounds of the facility. Your child may refuse a visitor if they choose.

If you have difficulty visiting because of transportation problems or you need to schedule a special visit because of your personal circumstances, contact the facility, the regional office, or the OJJ Regional Family Liaison to request assistance.

Youth in secure care create a visitor list with help from his case manager or counselor. To ensure safety at visitation, potential visitors must provide basic information and submit to a criminal history check and be granted visitation rights prior to visiting youth. More information on this process can be obtained from the secure care facilities.

Visitation Hours

Acadiana Center for Youth at Bunkie (ACY)

Visitation Weekends are every Saturday and Sunday
Hours: 12:00 pm-4:00 pm. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Family Liaison Contact Information:

Family Ombudsman - Tel. 1.800.594.3941

Acadiana Center for Youth at St. Martinville (ACY-SM)

No scheduled visitation hours at this time, please contact the Family Liaison for more information.

Family Liaison Contact Information:

Family Ombudsman - Tel. 1.800.594.3941

Bridge City Center for Youth (BCCY)

Visitation Weekends are every Saturday and Sunday
Hours: 12:00 pm-4:00 pm. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Family Liaison Contact Information:

Family Ombudsman - Tel. 1.800.594.3941

Swanson Center for Youth (SCY) at Columbia

Visitation Weekends are every Saturday and Sunday
Hours: 12:00 pm-4:00 pm. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Family Liaison Contact Information:

Gwendolyn Gene
Tel.: 318.953.2799

Shakita Hays
Tel.: 318.953.4445

Family Ombudsman
Tel.: 1.800.594.3941

Swanson Center for Youth (SCY) at Monroe

Visitation Weekends are every Saturday and Sunday
Hours: 12:00 pm-4:00 pm. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Family Liaison Contact Information:

Gwendolyn Gene
Tel.: 318.953.2799

Shakita Hays
Tel.: 318.953.4445

Family Ombudsman
Tel.: 1.800.594.3941

Rules & Guidelines for Visiting Youth

OJJ’s Policy C.2.8 Youth Visitation in Secure Facilities provides information on visitation for families. Approved visitors may include a spouse, parent, guardian, custodian of the youth, grandparent, sister/brother (includes step siblings and half siblings), biological child or any member of the immediate family. A youth may have only 3 visitors at a time; infants are included as a visitor. Siblings and biological children under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult on the approved visiting list. Permission to visit may be denied to any individual and visitation suspended in the event of an emergency at the facility.

There are some general rules applicable to all visitors when visiting a secure facility. If a visitor has not received a copy of these rules/procedures prior to visiting a copy should be requested from a facility employee and reviewed prior to entering onto the facility grounds to visit a youth.

  1. A Picture Identification is required for ALL visitors 14 years of age and older.
  2. Visitors should arrive at least 15 minutes in advance of the visiting schedule to allow for processing by Security and Case Management.
  3. Must be dressed appropriately per the information provided by the facility in the parent information packet.
  4. Park in the designated visitors’ parking area.
  5. Leave all belongings in the car except for the visitor’s picture identification and the car key/remote to unlock the car.
  6. Lock the vehicle after parking.
  7. Report to the Visitors’ Entrance.
  8. Visitors will provide OJJ staff with picture identification and the name of the youth being visited.
  9. OJJ staff will record the visit in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth by the facility’s administration.
  10. Visitors will then be escorted to the designated area to receive a pat down search.
  11. Proceed to the visitation area.



Possession of Contraband is not allowed. A visitor to a secure facility shall not  introduce or possess the following on facility grounds: unauthorized currency or cash, food, toiletries or clothing not authorized by the Facility Director, intoxicating liquors, tobacco products, weapons, drug paraphernalia, pornographic material, explosives, unauthorized telecommunications equipment, electronics, tape recorders, cameras or camcorders and substances defined in the Uniform Control Dangerous Substance Law.

Visitors are not allowed to give money directly to youth during visitation. Money for a youth must be given to a designated OJJ facility staff to be recorded and processed. OJJ staff will process the money into the youth’s personal account. Money is not to exceed $100.00. Money orders are not accepted during visitation. 


Youth shall be provided reasonable and confidential access to their attorneys and/or authorized legal representatives. Procedures for setting up such visits are outlined in C.1.4 Attorney Visits.