Message from the Deputy Secretary

OJJ serves youth who have been adjudicated delinquent or Families in Need of Services (FINS). We are responsible for youth assigned to our care by the court system, either for supervision or custody in residential placement or secure care. OJJ also provides services to youth under local court supervision.
OJJ serves youth who have been adjudicated delinquent or Families in Need of Services (FINS). We are responsible for youth assigned to our care by the court system, either for supervision or custody in residential placement or secure care. OJJ also provides services to youth under local court supervision.
Our mission is to protect the public by providing safe and effective individualized services to youth, who will become productive, law-abiding citizens. OJJ is a quality system of care that embraces partnerships with families, communities, and stakeholders to assist youth in redirecting their lives toward responsible citizenship.
Our policies call for youth to receive services in the least restrictive placement setting. Most youth who come in contact with our agency can be best served in their community while receiving supervision services from Probation and Parole Officers in one of our 11 regional offices. Probation and Parole Officers serve as the coordinators of services for these youth and their families while holding the youth accountable to the court-ordered conditions of probation.
For youth who require more intensive treatment and/or supervision, the courts may recommend placement in a non-secure treatment facility offering a more structured setting than the home environment can offer. This level of custody/care is referred to as Residential Placement.
Some youth require the most intensive treatment if they are considered a threat to public safety or they have had limited success in the services provided to them in the community. The court may recommend placement in a secure facility that offers the most structured setting. This level of custody/care is referred to as secure care placement. OJJ works with families and the courts to return youth to their communities ready for success.
This website is a resource for families associated with our agency. Please feel free to contact our agency if we can be of assistance.