NEWS Community Engagement Liaison Byron Sharper Facilitates Successful Re-Entry for Recent Graduate

L-R: Byron Sharper (Community Engagement Liaison - Central Office), Dustin Lafont (Director - Front Yard Bikes)

Community Engagement Liaison Byron Sharper acted quickly upon learning that recent graduate M. White would soon be released from secured custody. Understanding the importance of a smooth transition back into the community, Sharper wasted no time mobilizing resources to support White's re-entry journey.

Sharper's first step was to meet with Juvenile Court Judge Gail Grover (East Baton Rouge Parish), where he outlined the Office of Juvenile Justice's (OJJ) plans to partner with Goodwill in establishing a re-entry program for young adults needing extended services. Judge Grover expressed her support for the initiative, recognizing the critical role such partnerships play in reducing recidivism and helping youth reintegrate into society.

Following this, Sharper engaged in a collaborative meeting with Greta Banks, the Career Navigation Manager at Goodwill, to discuss the specifics of the partnership. Together, they crafted a plan to provide White with the tools and resources necessary to succeed in his re-entry process.

Sharper then made a personal home visit to White, delivering a Reintegration Program packet. During the visit, White expressed his eagerness to begin orientation and his desire to secure employment close to his home. Understanding the importance of accessibility, Sharper quickly devised a strategy to help White find jobs within walking distance.

To support White's mobility, Sharper contacted Front Yard Bikes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, explaining the need for a bike donation. The local nonprofit responded generously, donating a bike, enabling White to independently reach potential job sites nearby.

White's successful re-entry is just one example of the positive impact of strategic community partnerships and proactive engagement on young adults transitioning out of OJJ's custody. With the support of individuals like Byron Sharper and organizations like Goodwill and Front Yard Bikes, White is now on a path to a brighter future. 

More success stories are coming as the OJJ continues to work tirelessly to support young adults in their journey toward reintegration and success.